Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Aix en Provence et Grenoble

Time for another update from beautiful France. I am sitting in the appartment of a lovely couple who i met through Couch Surfing: their place is right in downtown Grenoble and almost has a view of the mountains that surround the city. I was just up the Bastille mountain today; what an amazing view!!!

But, hold on, lets rewind a bit you may say: how was Provence ?
It was fantastic! I stayed with another lovely couple, one archeologist and one neuroscientist, who made me yummy chocolat au lait and let me laugh at French television ;) I saw Cezannes atelier and met up with my friend Emily for crepes au Speculoos.

Atelier de Cezanne. He liked to get here early to paint the morning light.

Aix en Provence

moi devant les Champs Elysees de Arles (Alyscamps en provençal)

 We went to Arles on Saturday: it,s a tiny little town with gorgeous Roman crypts, a Roman amphitheatre and Roman baths. My friend and I met some super nice people who speak with a charming provencal accent (they have their own dialect which few people speak these days, unfortunately). One gentleman was nice enough to fika with us for two hours; telling us stories of the place where he grew up ( he was born and raised in Arles, right beside the Roman theatre). His dog Puna was pretty cute and sat on my lap trying to drink my juice and gobble my chocolate.

Grenoble is a nice city; reminds me of Western Canadian ski cities. Not too much to see but the view is great! Their museum is well known for its superb modern art collection: it is closed on Tuesdays but luckily I went yesterday (and had the place nearly to myself, how cool is that).

Tomorrow I am heading to the Alsace region for three nights. Then Paris for one night and then....LONDON!  Hope you are all well.

xoxo Miss Engagée

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