Thursday, 31 May 2012

Diary of a Tired and Cranky Student

Hi everyone,

Sorry for my long silence in cyberspace. I've just come out of a marathon week of cramming for my two full-unit courses. It's been stressful so I'm really looking forward to a few days of peace up in Oslo visiting aunts and cousins. Who knows, it might even count as "studying" as I have some very smart cousins-in-law whose conversations may help shape my thoughts on the Informal Economy and Global Environmental Governance (my two remaining exam topics!!).

The whole exam system here is rather skewed I'm afraid. We should really have tests scheduled in December so we can get half-units out of the way. Instead we're expected to revise for subjects that we vaguely remember covering six months ago?! I suppose it's not so bad if you are a diligent note-taker. I happen to take pretty descriptive notes but am rather disorganized so have to check all my randomly collected piles of paper in my room to make sure I haven't mixed up " theories of neo-Gramscianism" with "Bottom of the Pyramid" notes!

Ah well, the good thing about exam period is that it gives one an excuse to give oneself treats (I'm "incentivizing" myself to overcome my tendency to procrastinate hehe). I've been religiously going to yoga class and treating myself to ice creams (or "ice lollies" as popsicles are called in England). I also enjoyed some Shakespeare performances last week - there was a particularly memorable performance of   Love's Labour's Lost in British Sign Language. Makes me think that all theater should be performed in sign language - it is the most visually evocative of media.

If I take some nice pictures of Oslo I will post them up next week. Otherwise you may get more on the subject of my Tired and Cranky state of being.

Love to all, je vous embrasse (et souhaite BONNE FETE a mon petit frère!)

Mia xox

Monday, 7 May 2012


Tiens, bonjour!
J'ai décidé de prendre une marche (oui oui je veux dire "je suis allée me promener!") le long de la Thamise aujourd'hui, histoire de me changer les idées. À force de passer tout son temps enfermée dans la bibliothèque à discuter de néolibéralisme, on oublie que  ça existe, du monde qui se moque de théories du développement et qui préfère aller se promener un jour de congé.

Il a fait un temps de canard ces temps ci. Imaginez ma surprise ce matin lorsque des rayons de soleil m'ont réveillée!! Il fait assez frisquet mais c'est une température idéale pour réviser en préparation des examens finaux.

I had a very busy and social week regardless of a strict study regime. We went to the London Philarmonic Orchestra on Wednesday; heard a fantastic pièce by the son-in-law of Dvorak, "Symphonie poétique" I think it was called. yesterday after my empteenth study group I invited two girl friends over to eat junk food and watch the "Rocky Horror Picture Show". I couldn`t believe that my film-studies-major friend hadn`t seen this cult classic - this is the girl who took  me to a Big Lebowski bowling night!!  Anyways today it had been back to the books, I`ve managed to write one summary and send a whole bunch of emails so I`d say it was a medium-productive day. (!)

Feeling a bit antsy and can`t wait for the exam period to be over - in 44 days to be exact, urgh. Ah well it is kinda exciting to be revising and realizing how much I`ve learned over the course of a year. Plus my study buddies are great fun and keep me from going nuts. I`ve booked my trip to Rome! and will try to cook up more interesting plans: once the sun shows its timid self I think i will be much more inspired to plan bike trips/adventures and what have you.
Miss Engagée